Download iLoc
iLoc can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.
iLoc is also available at the EarthScope software repository, IRIS Seiscode.
Changes log
iLoc 4.2
- RSTT3.2.1; bugfix release.
- minor bugfixes in iLoc code.
- modifications in Makefiles to support latest gcc.
- modified Makefiles to support Apple silicon compile and link issues.
- disabled option to extract local velocity model from RSTT.
- when a kml file is required, only converged solutions are written to it.
iLoc 4.1
- updated the default depth grid from the rebuilt ISC bulletin, 1964-2020.
- support ISC ISF2.1 format
- introduced new instruction options, isf2.1, isf2.0 and ims
- for the isf2.1 option, station list is created from the ISC ISF2.1 file.
- ML and mB are calculated as an option due to unknown amplitude units in the IMS/ISF files.
- station magnitudes reported at verbose level 1.
- BEGIN and DATA_TYPE lines in the ISF2.1 output file are written only at the beginning of the file, not for each event.
- produce ISF2.1 file even if FixHypocenter is set.
- resolved FixEpicenter bug.
- if the magnitude phase time residual is larger than MagMaxTimeResidual its amplitude is ignored in the calculation of the station magnitude.
- modified Makefiles to support Apple M1 and M2 processors.
- updated the station lists.
iLoc 4.0
- Incorporated the RSTT3.2 model, TT predictions and path-dependent uncertainties.
- Harmonized auxdata directory with SeisComp iLoc plugin. The stand-alone iLoc and the SeisComp plugin sciLoc now read the same auxdata directory.
- Moved the RSTT model to the auxdata/RSTTmodels directory.
- Added iasp91 travel-time tables.
- Jeffreys-Bullen travel-time tables are no longer supported.
- Separated model-specific and phase-specific paramaters into Global1DModelPhaseList.txt and IASPEIPhaseMap.txt files.
iLoc 3.3
- New default depth grid calculated from the EHB and ISC free-depth events from the rebuilt ISC bulletin (Storchak et al., 2017, 2020) is implemented.
- Ellipticity corrections: instead of P and S, Pup and Sup is now used for Pg, Pb and Sg, Lg, Sb, respectively.
- Reading and station magnitude comments in the output isf file are written when verbose is on.
- Bug fix in iLocReadISF.c: when reading from isf file, if an event had no magnitude block, the previous magnitude block was copied.
- Bug fix in iLocTravelTimes.c: Incorrect indices were used in getting travel time table values for exact depth values when only residuals were calculated.
- Bug fix in iLocTimeFuncs.c: When fixing origin time to a value, fractional milliseconds were incorrectly interpreted.
iLoc 3.2
- dded a new instruction, MagnitudesOnly. Invoking the MagnitudesOnly instruction will not locate the event, but will calculate the magnitudes w.r.t. the preferred origin.
- Bugfixes in the magnitude calculation of ML and mB.
iLoc 3.1
- Incorporated RSTT3.1 TT predictions and path-dependent uncertainties.
- RSTT do not provide travel time predictions for direct phases when the source depth is below the Moho. As a result, iLoc lost the closest stations for deep events, thus hampering depth determination. To fix the problem, if RSTT does not return a valid travel time, iLoc will use ak135 predictions.
- Improved the Makefile(s).
- Renamed the etc directory to auxdata.
- The RSTT source code and model is now found in $ILOCROOT/rstt directory.
- Updated Manual.
- Minor bug fixes.
iLoc 2.1
- Minor bugfixes.
iLoc 2.0
- Adopted BSD open source license.
- Changed parameter names to CamelBack notation to facilitate easier typing of instructions.
- Renamed all source files and some auxiliary data files.
- Renamed the etc directory to auxdata.
- The default RSTT model is now found in $ILOCROOT/auxdata/RSTTmodel directory.
- Added usage info when iLoc is invoked without arguments.
- Before parsing text files, the occasional Windows CRLF convention is changed to the unix/linux/MacOS LF convention.
- Added support for the NDC-in-a-box IDC PostgreSQL database schema.
- Added support for the NDC-in-a-box SeisComp3 PostgreSQL database schema.
- Added support for the IDC Oracle database schema.
- iLoc includes and uses the Oracle open-source ODPI-C source package to provide the Oracle database interface.
- Slowness and azimuth measurements can now be used in location.
- For azimuth-only events the origin time is fixed.
- Infrasound I and hydroacoustic H and O phases are now used in location. The phase names are fixed, that is, iLoc shall not reidentify I, H or O phases.
- Introduced phase and distance dependent a priori azimuth and slowness measurement errors in $ILOCROOT/auxdata/iLocpars/PhaseConfig.txt.
- Removed dependency on environment variable SLBMROOT in iLocMain.c
- Improved determination of readings by taking into account author changes when it splits phases into readings.
- The minimum number of station magnitudes required to calculate network magnitudes is now a configuration parameter, MinNetmagSta. It can also be overridden as an instruction.
- When calculating MS from IAMS_20, units are assumed to be in nanometres.
- Introduced configuration parameters and instructions to support the generation of Google Earth kml, or optionally, kmz files. The configuration parameters KMLLatitude, KMLLongitude, KMLRange, KMLHeading, KMLTilt define the default view point. The configuration parameter KMLBulletinFile provides the pathname for the Google Earth representation of all events processed in one iLoc run; if a database interface is used, the KMLEventFile instruction generates a Google Earth file for an individual event. If the configuration parameter, ZipKML is set to one, the kml file(s) will be zipped into a kmz file, and the kml file(s) will be deleted. All Google Earth configuration parameters can be overridden as an instruction.
- Several bugfixes and optimizations.
- Added utilities to load station lists and IMS1.0/ISF1.0 bulletins into IDC Oracle and IDC NDC-in-a-Box PostgreSQL databases.
- Added $ILOCROOT/tests directory with sample input ISF files and their corresponding output files created by iLoc.
- Added $ILOCROOT/database directory with database schema descriptions and sample startup files for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
- Updated Manual.
iLoc 1.6
- Introduced the computation of local magnitudes, ML and the broadband body wave magnitudes, mB.
iLoc 1.5
- Replaced TT calculations from local velocity models with much simpler and faster code. Now only the direct phase and headwave(s) are calculated, i.e. the phases Pg/Pb/Pn/P and Sg/Sb/Sn/S. Lg is replicated as Sg.
- The format of the local velocity model has also changed. The first non-comment line in the local velocity model file is expected to be the number of layer boundaries in the model, followed by the description of each layer in the model, i.e. the depth of the top of the layer, its P and S velocity and an indicator for the Conrad or Moho discontinuities.
- Minor bug fixes in other places mostly concerning the SeisComp3 database I/O.
iLoc 1.4
- added local velocity model support
- removed CRUST2.0
- added RSTT local velocity
iLoc 1.3
- support for SeisComp3 MySQL database schema
iLoc 1.2
- support for new station registry format
iLoc 1.1
- RSTT model file directory defaults to SLBMROOT/models unless full pathname is given
- station file directory defaults to ILOCROOT/etc/Stations unless full pathname is given
- removed purge (only used by isc_search)
- disabled parallelization of travel-time calculations - RSTT is not thread-safe.
- support ISF2 input files; output is produced as ISF2
iLoc 1.0
- simplified code by removing ISC-operation specific code
- ILOCROOT instead of QETC
- QEDIT and QREVISE no longer used
- enabled Lg to be used in location
- MS calculation: vertical component is assumed for unspecified channels.
- sets unknown phases with amplitudes to pmax
- added use_rstt_PnSn to config parameters
- RSTT is enabled by default; to disable it set both use_RSTT_PgLg=0 and use_RSTT_PnSn=0
- created as a copy of
- for reported phases (LZ, LRZ, AMZ), (LE,LRE) and (LN,LRN) the component is set to Z, E or N, respectively.
- enabled Lg to be used in location.