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Begnaud, M.L., S.C. Myers, B. Young, J.R. Hipp, D. Dodge. W.S. Phillips (2021a). Updates to the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model: 1. Tomography, Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 2475–2498,

Begnaud, M.L., D.N. Anderson, S.C. Myers, B. Young, J.R. Hipp, W.S. Phillips (2021b). Updates to the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model: 2. Path-dependent travel-time uncertainty, Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 313-339,

Bondár, I., T. Godoladze, E. Cowgill, G. Yetirmishli, S.C. Myers, I. Gunia, A. Buzaladze, B. Czecze, T. Onur, R. Gök, A. Chiang (2023). Relocation of the Seismicity of the Caucasus Region, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 114, 873-881,

Bondár I., T. Šindelářová, D. Ghica, U. Mitterbauer, A. Liashchuk, J. Baše, J. Chum, C. Czanik, C. Ionescu, C. Neagoe, M. Pásztor, A. Le Pichon (2022). Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network: Contribution to Infrasound Monitoring, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 565-579,

Bondár I., R. Steed, J. Roch, R. Bossu, A. Heinloo, J. Saul and A. Strollo (2020). Accurate locations of felt earthquakes using crowdsource detections, Front. Earth Sci., 8, 272,

Bondár, I. P. Mónus, Cs. Czanik, M. Kiszely, Z. Gráczer, Z. Wéber (2018). Relocation of Seismicity in the Pannonian Basin Using a Global 3D Velocity Model, Seismol. Res. Lett., 89, 2284-2293,

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Onur, T., R. Gök, T. Godoladze, I. Gunia, G. Boichenko, A. Buzaladze, N. Tumanova, M. Dzmanashvili, L. Sukhishvili, Z. Javakishvili, E. Cowgill, I. Bondár and G. Yetirmishli (2020). Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using Legacy Data in Georgia, Seismol. Res. Lett., 91, 1500–1517,

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Weber B., I. Bondár, D. Rößler, J. Becker (2019). SeisComp3 iLoc Integration Applied to Array Processing, CTBT: Science and Technology Conference, Book of Abstracts, T3.5.P54, p.187, Vienna, 24-28 June, 2019.